About Us

teem faith

About Us

we are teem faith!

Our purpose is to provide drink ware that will hydrate you physically and spiritually! We spell "teem" this way as a dedication to our four children, Tahlia("heaven's dew; lamb"), Esther("star"), Ethan("strong," "safe," "solid," and "firm), and Matthew("Gift from God.").

We live in such a time where hydration is so important as we are now focused on becoming healthier, stronger, and fit. Just as it is important physically, it is even greater to be spiritually hydrated with the Word. So, we came up with great, durable, eco-friendly products that are faith powered and inspired to motivate you in whichever daily activity you are in!

Enjoy our products with your go to liquid and be motivated with a word or verse from Word of God!

God bless and stay hydrated, motivated, and inspired!